Bouquet Pricing

Bridal Bouquet
$195 to $215
This is a beautiful, lightweight bouquet with a size range from 10 to 16 inches across; round or oblong.

Larger Bridal Bouquet
$225 to $295
This modern bouquet style is trendy and can be paired with many dress styles. The oblong shape is approximately 12 inches deep and 24 inches across. The hanging foliage gives it a loose, garden look.

Cascade Bouquet
$225 to $345
Cascades are a classic look that always faces the camera. No stems to hide in the photos! They can be petite or elaborate depending on your dress and your vision for the look.

Maid Bouquet or Petite Bride Bouquet
$95 to $125
This 8 to 10 inch round bouquet is perfect as a modest bride bouquet or a larger maid bouquet. *Not currently available for elopement sets.

Fur Muff Flowers
$65 to $115
Fur muffs are a unique Alaskan winter wedding look. The flowers are created to pin on and can be removed after the wedding. Brides provide the faux or genuine muffs, your preference.